Tenancy Application Form

Apply for a rental property by filling out our online application form.

Please check you have entered all details correctly:

Property Details

Applicant Details

Current Residential Status
Marital Status
Are you a smoker?
Do you have any pets?
Debts Problems: IVA / Court Judgements (CCJ) / Banruptcy?
Any Previous Evictions?
Are you Disabled?
Do you intend to seek benefit assistance with rent payment?

Additional Tenants (sharers) on this tenancy






Present Landlord or Agent

Previous Address/s (up to 6 years)

Employed - Employer as Referee

Self-Employed - Accountant or Lawyer as Referee

Character Referee (Optional)
Professional Person - not a relative - known for 3 years

Guarantor (if applicable)

Your Bank Or Building Society

General Guidance

Tenants:The details supplied here will be checked using recognised credit reference agencies for tenancy selection purposes.
This process will in no way affect a prospective tenant's record or ability to obtain credit in future and all information obtained ill be kept secure and confidential in accordance with the UK Data Protection Act and international privacy laws.
Tenants can obtain copies of their own credit records by application to the main credit reference agencies.
To avoid delays tenants should provide full contact details and get prior consent from referees and guarantors (if applicable) - at least 2 referees will be required for Comprehensive Checks.
Tenants should be aware that defaulting on their tenancy obligations could mean that information is sought or released (per s35 DPA 1998), including Housing Benefit enquiries, if required by the courts or those authorised and could affect any future applications for tenancies, finance or insurance.
Landlords / Agents: Guarantors should be checked and referenced separately and landlords/agents should ensure that guarantors have seen and approved the tenancy agreement and signed a guarantor agreement prior to the tenancy.
Any deposit monies taken by the landlord or agent must be protected (Housing Act 2004) and the tenant must be notified by a (Tenancy Deposit Scheme) statutory notice within 14 days.
Landlords and agents MUST keep and securely store a signed copy of this form in accordance with the principles of the Data Protection Act 1998 as evidence that the tenant has authorised credit checks.
By submitting an application Landlords / Agents accept the http://www.tenantverify.co.uk/disclaimer.htm terms and conditions.
Security: TenantVERIFY is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998 - Registration Number Z1213790. TenantVERIFY is a SafeBy Member - Web Code of Practive. TenantVERIFY uses COMODO Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Authentication. TenantVERIFY uses NetBanx Secure Payment systems.

Declaration and Authorisation

I apply for a tenancy as per this application. I confirm that the information provided is true and accurate, and I authorise the landlord or agent and TenantVERIFY to seek additional information and carry out credit checks and referencing by contacting agencies, organisations and individuals as necessary. I confirm that I have raised any concerns with the landlord or agent and I understand that tenancies obtained with false information can be terminated. Completing this application does not commit the landlord or tenant to a tenancy.